121 new TB patients found in Hariwan

By Republica
Published: September 16, 2023 09:05 AM

SARLAHI, Sept 16: A total of 121 new tuberculosis patients have been found in Hariwan municipality of Sarlahi.

Even though Hariwan municipality has announced to make it a tuberculosis free municipality from the year 2078, 121 new tuberculosis patients were found in the last financial year 2079/80, said Rambabu Chaudhary, coordinator of the municipality health branch. According to him, 110 tuberculosis patients were found in the year 2078/79.

TB program coordinator of Bagmati Sewa Samaj Nepal, Aajmad Ali Mikrani, said support and cooperation of public representatives, community and private health organizations, social workers, political party leaders and media workers was needed to eradicate tuberculosis.

The government of Nepal has set the goal of declaring Hariwan and Nijgadh Municipalities and Laxminiyan Rural Municipality of Madhes Province as tuberculosis-free municipalities in the first phase in accordance with the objective of achieving the sustainable development goals by the year 2030.