KATHMANDU, May 16: Nepal on Sunday reported 7,368 new cases of the novel coronavirus disease. This number is 799 less than ,8167 cases detected on Saturday. Similarly, officials said that 8,520 cases were confirmed on Friday and 8,960 on Thursday. This shows that the daily case count has been slightly falling on a daily basis.
Recovery numbers, on the other hand, are on the rise, the data released by the health ministry shows. On Sunday, 6,648 corona patients gained recovery while the number on Saturday was 5,455. The number of recoveries on Thursday (5,055) rose to 6,135 on Friday, sending some signs of hope amidst the gloomy situation created by the second wave of the disease.
With Sunday’s updates, a total of 74.7 percent of the infected people --- 339,756-- have won their battle against the deadly disease. As of Sunday, Nepal has witnessed 455,020 cases, of which 110,263 are yet to recover.
Check the daily recoveries:
Experts as well as the health ministry officials say that patients normally recover from the coronavirus in two weeks under normal circumstances. It means the recovery number tallied on Sunday (May 16) resembles the number of infections confirmed before May 2. Here is a comparison between the number of new infections before May 2 and recoveries in the past nine days.
Cases Confirmed Recoveries
May 2: 7,211 May 16: 6,648
May 1: 5,763 May 15: 5,455
April 30: 5727 May 14: 6,135
April 29: 4,928 May 13: 5,055
April 28: 4,897 May 12: 4,444
April 27: 4,524 May 11: 5.255
April 26: 3,556 May 10: 4.007
April 25: 3,122 May 9: 4,044
April 24: 2,619 May 8: 3,370