Dear Prolific Poet

By Diwakar Dhakal
Published: August 23, 2022 06:00 PM

Dear poet, by seeking the mightier pen

Do not write the poem

Your overwhelming feelings

Will not be comprehensible by anyone

From writing hand, instead of ink

Blood floods are flowing

From the unsmoked dossier

Dialectic and feelings are not blooming

In forest and forestry

Ablaze is erupting

In that rage of fire and ashes world

Never discern it as illustrious and emblem

Dear prolific poet, henceforth do not write any poem


In those fragile sanctum and shrine

Where will it ignite the faith of light?

Where will it stimulate the far-fetched peace?

In shanty and ravage huts, the bombs are exploded

Where can we see cicada insects singing autonomously?

Landmines have inculcated fright inside the chest

Decently, where can we hear the exquisite flute music

In that criminal flagrant face

Do not see any Walter-Mitty dream

Dear prolific poet, Henceforth do not write any poem


When our own camaraderie goes against us

When our own abode roofs are demolished 

When one’s face is accompanied by black color

When owns glorified history hurts

By infiltrating horrendous reality

In Everest the glacier bursts out when blood is stranded

Recently, the married woman was spangled with vermillion 

Now, Do not show audacity for re-marriage of a widow  

Dear prolific poet, henceforth do not write any poem


Rhododendron, Monal and musk-deer together

Became colorless in the mountain region

A gunshot wound scrambles the words

Deserted the barbet and Koel

Dove and pigeon are detained in a condolence cage

Lemon and nettle-waters electrocution

Exacerbated the wings

Cannot see any enlightenment of buddha

Dear prolific poet, henceforth do not write any poem


Somewhere there are varieties of rice pudding

Somewhere there is famished beauty

Somewhere there is a predicament of vicissitudes

Somewhere there is a bed of roses

When there are bleak and desolate mortals

When there is an orphan and thirsty

Do not apprehend desert blaze as a seabed

Dear Prolific poet, henceforth do not write any poignant poem.