Eid- Al-Adha being observed in Nepal

By Dipendra Rokka
Published: August 12, 2019 01:08 PM

KATHMANDU, Aug 11: The Muslims across the world are celebrating the “Eid- Al-Adha” which is also known as BakrEid. According to the Islamic calendar, the festival is celebrated on the 10th day of “Jil Hajj” (The New Year.)

To observe this festival one gets up early in the morning, takes bath and visits the nearby mosque for the prayer. During the prayer, everyone shows their gesture by hugging and exchanging messages with each other. Then after, there is a tradition of sacrificing goats and buffaloes. The sacrificed animal is divided into three parts; the 1st part is provided for him/her, 2nd for the near and dear ones and 3rdpart is to the needy people.


 “Eid –Al-Adha“is observed for three days. According to the Islamic holy book, the Prophet Abraham was asked by the god to sacrifice his beloved thing. As per the will of God ‘Prophet Abraham’ readily agrees to sacrifice his son. Seeing the courage and faith of Prophet Abraham the god replaces the boy with sheep which was later sacrificed by the blindfolded Prophet Abraham. This festival of Bakr-Eid marks the sacrifice of Prophet Abraham. The main motto of Sacrifice in Islam is to aware people that life and death are all dedicated to God.

The Eid-Al-Adha also marks an end to the Hajj where pilgrims visit grand mosque in Mecca based Saudi Arabia. The pilgrimage to Mecca is considered holy. It is believed that a Muslim must pay a visit to Mecca during his/her lifetime. After completing this, Muslims are called Hajis.

On this auspicious occasion, the Nepali Muslims clad in traditional dresses, eat delicious food and exchange greetings. Muslims eat Kebab, Tikka, Goat meat and Biryani during the festival.

Muslims recite Namaj on the open ground which is little far away from the mosque and human settlements. Muslims pray on their way to the mosque.