KATHMANDU, Sept 24: The Labor Bank of Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC) is experiencing a surge in interest, with an average of 400 applications pouring in each month. This notable development comes after the metropolis called upon skilled but unemployed individuals to join the Labor Bank in August.
Sarita Rai, chief of the Kathmandu Metropolitan Administration Division, revealed, "Since the call went out, we have received 400 applications so far. The response has been quite encouraging." The establishment of the Labor Bank is part of KMC's broader strategy, outlined in the Metropolis Golden Scheme within the annual policy and program for the fiscal year 2023/24.
Rai explained that the Labor Bank serves as a vital resource for identifying and listing the skilled workforce needed in various sectors, including social development, infrastructure building, maintenance, heritage preservation, environmental protection, and maintaining urban order.
She further elaborated, "Applications have been received from all 32 wards of the metropolis. Currently, we are in the process of developing operational procedures for the Labor Bank, including prioritization and classification of applicants."
The Labor Bank, established by Kathmandu Metropolis, maintains a comprehensive list of available workers. Each entry includes details such as the worker's wage rate, type of work, contact information, and place of residence. The primary objective of this initiative is to streamline the process of matching skilled workers with job opportunities, ensuring fair wages for all.
For the ongoing fiscal year, Kathmandu Metropolis has invited individuals interested in employment to fill out an application specifying their preferred field of work and any relevant experience. The application offers choices from 64 different job categories. Applicants are encouraged to submit the form to the employment service center located in their respective ward or locality.
To be eligible for membership in the Labor Bank, applicants must have a permanent address anywhere but must be currently residing within Kathmandu. This innovative program aims to facilitate the availability of required manpower not only for Kathmandu Metropolis but also for other government, non-government, and private sectors, fostering greater employment opportunities for all.