Locals vandalize Jumla District Administration Office

By DB Buda
Published: July 18, 2017 02:41 PM

JUMLA, July 18: The locals of Gothichaur Rural Municipality have vandalized the District Administration Office accusing that Local Development Officer (LDO) of District Coordination Committee Hari Narayan Belbase dillydallied to pay their wages.

 The irate locals vandalized the table of Chief District Officer (CDO) Narayan Prasad Sapkota saying that he remained a mute spectator even after the LDO absconded without paying their wages.

“LDO Hari Narayan Belbase denied our wages in cahoots with CDO Sapkota and DSP Guru Binshu Kafle,” accused they locals.

Chairman of Chhedadaha Road Construction Consumers Committee Arjun Mahatara has said that LDO absconded to evade the payment even though the consumers committee   submitted a technical report on their work.

According to Mahatara LDO remained absent in the office after  paying only Rs   500,000 while the total cost involved in the  road construction is Rs  800,000.