Nepali documentary in America

By No Author
Published: February 22, 2019 07:06 PM

Nepali documentary titled ‘A Day in The Life of Himalaya Shepherd’ was shortlisted for ‘The Colony Short Film Festival’ scheduled to be held in America in March.  The documentary is directed by journalist Maan Chiring Tamang

According to the organizer committee’s official website 30 films from various countries are selected for the festival. Selected films will be screened continuously amid a festival that will run through March 1 and 2. According to the director, the film tries to depict lifestyle of the Himalayan region of Nepal. “The film shows people and lifestyle of people residing in northern part of Dhading District.” Tamang aims to promote tourism of the country via this documentary. “Selection of Nepali film at an American film festival is a matter of pride,” director Tamang expressed his happiness. Tamang is from Dhading and he is residing in America for past two years.