RSP proposes resolution against general amnesty in parliament

By Republica
Published: October 05, 2023 02:00 PM

KATHMANDU, Oct 5: The Rastriya Swatantra Party (RSP) filed a resolution in the House of Representatives to stop amnesty, saying it was a wrong practice. In the proposal registered on Tuesday, a question has been raised about the presidential pardon on the recommendation of the government. 

It has been mentioned that people who have been convicted and sentenced by the court for being involved in crimes of a serious nature are being exempted because of access to the government. The constitution provides that those who have improved their conduct, who have served 50% of their prison sentence, and those who have passed a certain age will be exempted from the rest of their imprisonment.

The party has stated that the government is misusing the laws made with the right intentions and that it has been registered to clarify the intention of the constitutional arrangements and related laws. However, the law prohibits pardoning, commutation or reduction of punishment in 10 types of crimes, including corruption, torture, coercion, cruel and inhumane methods or death by restraint.  

Similarly, a resolution has been registered to control the long-term release of those who are in prison but whose sentences are forgiven, commuted and reduced by the law. It is mentioned in the proposal that such wrong practice is likely to continue in the future due to party interests. MPs Dol Prasad Aryal, Nisha Dangi, Ashok Kumar Chaudhary have signed the resolution.