To be called a healthy person, one has to be mentally healthy as well. But sadly, mental health is still not considered as a component of health by many people in Nepal. Mental health is a big issue all over the world and it should be prioritized in Nepal also.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), suicide is the fourth leading cause of death in the 15 to 19 years old age group. The UN health body also states that 77 percent of the suicides globally occur in low- and middle-income countries. Suicide is the act of killing oneself by different ways among which hanging, poisoning and jumping from heights are major ones. Suicide is considered an illegal act. In Nepal, the average daily number of suicide is 19. For a developing country like Nepal, it is a big number. Since 2003, September 10 is observed as World Suicide Prevention Day. “Creating hope through action” is the theme for this year.
The number of suicides is increasing every year due to the lack of confidence and self-motivation. There are various steps we can take to encourage people not to attempt suicide.
How to control suicide
According to Bimal Acharya, a clinical psychologist, who is pursuing his PhD in the same filed, there are various ways we can prevent people from committing suicide. Acharya has already counseled more than 15,000 people in his 15 years of career so far.
The number of suicide is increasing day by day and there are various reasons behind it. In Nepal, too, it is on the rise. The government should have a strong policy which needs to be followed strictly if the increasing number of suicides is to be checked, according to Acharya.
To be called a healthy person, one has to be mentally healthy as well. But sadly, mental health is still not considered as a component of health by many people in Nepal. Mental health is a big issue all over the world and it should be prioritized in Nepal also. The government has a big role in preventing suicide rates in the country, according to Acharya. The WHO claims that of all the cases of suicides, 80 percent are a result of depression whereas only 20 percent are committed impulsively.
Any person with suicidal thoughts should talk about his problems with friends, family or the near ones. Families can play a big role in preventing suicides. If someone is not comfortable with his known ones then there are special clinics and there are psychiatrists to help those people and help them overcome depression.
Similarly, everyone should be focusing on the positive parts rather than the negative parts of their life. The media should be used wisely. The overuse or misuse of the media and comparing one’s life with that of celebrities can also cause mental harm to some people. So, the media and social sites should be used for the information only because it has been found that social media too can sometimes cause stress.
Social life is also very important. The pandemic has brought about an imbalance of sorts in our social life. It’s important to be healthy socially as well. Being happy is equally important to prevent suicidal thoughts. So, we should strive for happiness, self-confidence and overcome the problems and sad moments of our lives. We should learn to rise above the problems of life.