It hasn’t been very long since I got my driver’s license and started riding my scooter around Kathmandu. But instead of enjoying my ticket to independence, I am frustrated and sometimes even get road rage. Someone really needs to teach people of Kathmandu the proper way to drive and show decency while driving.
I have noticed various kinds of drivers and driving style throughout Kathmandu city and to be honest, it only gets me angry when I think about it. So here is the list of type of drivers and driving styles I have noticed so far.
The Constant Honker
This is the kind of driver or rider who doesn’t know when and where to use the horn. You can hear them honking from miles away when you are stuck in a traffic jam. They need to understand that the traffic jam won’t suddenly vanish in thin air due to the pressure of sound they are creating. These types of people make me angry and give me road rage.
The Over Taker
These types of drivers are like cold breeze of air. The only difference is that this air might actually kill you. They just sweep you off your balance and try to overtake you from the wrong direction. They just don’t care about anyone’s safety and want to reach their destination as soon as possible.
The Blocking Tortoise
These types of drivers might be new to driving or the vehicle they are driving might be new or they just are slow, irritating people. They drive slow and don’t even let you pass or go your way by blocking the whole way. They tend to ignore your signal and horn. And if you are behind this type of driver and you are running late for an interview or a meeting, only god can save you.
The Lost Traveler
This kind of driver is new and doesn’t know the direction of the place they are going. They always seem confused about their direction. So every time they see a traffic police, they slow down and ask for a direction. You can even find one parked at the side of the road with their side lights on, trying to read sign boards or trying to turn on their GPS in their cell phone. Well, you already know one lost traveler.
The Dirty Driver
No, I am not talking about personal hygiene of these kinds of drivers. I call them ‘dirty driver’ because they don’t care about the environment. They seem to have habit of spitting through their vehicle’s window or throw plastic wrappers out on the road. They are just simply dirty as they drive around polluting the city.
The Wise Adviser
You can spot these types of drivers quickly when you are stuck in a traffic jam or a narrow lane and can’t pass through because someone else is blocking the way. You can hear them yelling at the other drivers and advising them to turn their vehicles the certain way. They sometimes even get off their own vehicle and start advising each driver stuck in the jam individually about how to turn their vehicle the certain way.
Nation-builder Drivers
These types of drivers, especially motorcycle riders, are in a state of constant hurry. They overtake, honk and create mess in narrow lanes. I call these riders nation-builders, because they are in a hurry to reach their destination so they can focus on actually building the country!