Why netiquette is important?

Photo Courtesy: YouTube
By Republica
Published: May 17, 2017 11:00 PM

Maintaining decorum is a must, be it in your personal life or when you go online. With internet ruling our world, net etiquette is a set of guidelines that will help you maintain a balance between the real and the virtual world.
Here, Republica talked to a few people about their views on net etiquette and its importance.

Menuka Giri
In my view net etiquette includes acceptable activities considered while using net to enhance rapport building with others. It also implies that one should use a set of do’s and don’ts while using internet to socialize in an effective manner. Unauthorized surveillances has also evolved as a major challenge and the use of social networking sites and other such application possesses threat of privacy infringements interfering with net etiquette.

Dechen Hyolmo
The world has transformed into a ‘global village’ with the arrival of internet. The vast web of network has made our access to the world possible within a click, but it is completely up to us on how effectively and properly we utilize its features for our own good. On this note, net etiquette also known as ‘netiquette’ refers to those guidelines that we should abide by while using internet. It is about maintaining decorum that further includes the usage of appropriate and clear language while communicating, giving an instant reply to an email, maintaining privacy and avoiding plagiarism and spamming.

Jenisha Twanabashu
Social worker
With the progress made in the field of information technology and networking, I have seen a growing scope of its abuse. We live in a world where most of the things happen to associate with internet and its usage. Thus, it is really important for the guidelines to be followed while we enjoy the comfort brought by the internet. Meanwhile, net etiquette spreads the discretion that we should know in order to lead an effective communication.

Ayushma Shakya
High school student 
In my view, net etiquette is a set of rules to be kept in mind while using the internet. It mostly includes pleasant manners of socializing or sending messages in the process of communication. It is crucial in order to socialize in a proper way and to curb online activities which could be unacceptable at times. I think keeping your personal life at a distant or maintaining your privacy on internet could also be the factors that can help you build net etiquette.

Soyuz Basnet
SEE appeared
Internet plays huge part in our daily lives to the point that many things are not possible without the help of internet. Although the internet has been a ‘big help’ to most of us, we must also keep in mind about the manners we show while being online. As it is called ‘net etiquette’, I think it is related to maintaining good manner in the internet world. It is simply being considerate about the things that should and should not be done and keeping the discretion in mind while being on the internet.

Sulabh Silwal
Graduate student
Net etiquette is all about following the guidelines and avoiding obscene and offensive contents while being online. Keeping that in consideration that internet has visible impact upon our lives, we should pay heed to all the guidelines as it is associated with hundreds and thousands of people around the globe. Thus, not performing such activity that draws an unfavorable outcome or creates disturbance in communication could be considered as net etiquette.

Dipesh Tandukar
High school student 
I think net etiquette is the guidelines on how to use technology without hampering other people’s rights and preferences. We should maintain our etiquette, be it on the internet or our daily lives because the actions that results a negative outcome could harm the peace and harmony that we mutually share. And while we implement the mannerisms, which we have been taught in the real world, we must also apply those while using the internet. 

Prakeet Pradhan
Engineering student
Etiquette comprises a list of things that should or shouldn’t be done depending upon various field of work. Net etiquette denotes to the similar thing while using the internet. I think the usage of appropriate language and emoticon is an important factor when it comes to net etiquette. Any kind of obscenity should not be delivered to other people. Furthermore, proper usage of punctuation while using other’s quotation also plays an important role in order to make a clear communication which also is a part of internet etiquette.