Brahma Chellaney
America’s Interest in Ending the Ukraine Crisis
America’s Interest in Ending the Ukraine Crisis
After more than a year of fighting, it is clear that neither side in the Russia-Ukraine war can win on the battlefield. A negotiated ceasefire is the only way out of the current military deadlock, and it must happen before Russia and China cement a strategic axis that weakens the West and leaves Tai...
Mar 24, 2023
America’s Middle-East Obsession
America’s Middle-East Obsession
NEW DELHI – “Great nations do not fight endless wars,” US President Donald Trump declared in his 2019 State of the Union speech. He had a point: military entanglements in the Middle East have contributed to the relative decline of American power and facilitated China’s muscular rise. And yet, less t...
Jan 28, 2020
From moon to space
From moon to space
NEW DELHI – Fifty years after astronauts first walked on the Moon, space wars have gone from Hollywood fantasy to looming threat. Not content with possessing enough nuclear weapons to wipe out all life on Earth many times over, major powers are rapidly militarizing space. Given the world’s increasin...
Jul 21, 2019
Trump’s gift to Taliban
Trump’s gift to Taliban
America is preparing to hand Afghanistan back to the group it removed from power 17 years ago
Feb 06, 2019
Isolation of indigenous groups
Isolation of indigenous groups
Indigenous people are an essential element of cultural diversity and ecological harmony. Let them live in peace in the ancestral lands
Jan 13, 2019
Concert of Indo-Pacific democracies
Concert of Indo-Pacific democracies
Creating a free and open Indo-Pacific is not the job of one country alone.
Nov 15, 2018
The end of America’s China fantasy
The end of America’s China fantasy
America’s “China fantasy,” as James Mann calls it, was exemplified by Bill Clinton’s argument in favor of allowing China’s admission to the World Trade Organization
Oct 28, 2018
Water-smart energy choices
Water-smart energy choices
True energy security is possible only in the context of resource, climate, and environmental sustainability. The global focus obscures these critical linkages
Apr 16, 2018
Imperial China
Imperial China
Lanka’s experience illustrates that Chinese financing can shackle its “partner” countries.
Dec 24, 2017
China’s land grab
China’s land grab
China’s fast-growing trade surplus with India has increased President Xi’s territorial assertiveness
Jun 20, 2017