Bishal Thapa
OPINION, Latest Updates
Death of Nepali Hydro
Death of Nepali Hydro

There was much euphoria after India and Nepal reached an agreement on the new 400 kV Butwal-Gorakhpur cross-border transmission line.
Nov 12, 2019

Forgotten farmers
Forgotten farmers

For the first time in its history, Nepal looks poised to realize its famed hydro power potential.
Load shedding [grid blackouts] has ended. Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA), the national power utility, is profitable. There is a strong pipeline of new hydropower plants. Rural electrification is ex...
Sep 24, 2019

OPINION, Latest Updates
When generosity kills
When generosity kills

Nepal’s young democracy requires Nepalis to demand more from themselves and their government instead of falling victim to the allure of progress that foreign aid promises
Sep 10, 2019

Lessons from India
Lessons from India

Does the change of status for Jammu and Kashmir and the search for a Congress leader tell us something about the nature of political leadership in India?
Aug 13, 2019

Rear view imagination
Rear view imagination

The little tricks and technologies we used to manage through the darkest days of load-shedding has set us up for the future, if only we had the courage to look forward
Jul 30, 2019

Open letter to Finance Minister
Open letter to Finance Minister

Dear Finance Minister, you may choose not to believe in the future as you did by rejecting digital financial technologies, but in the process please don’t block our future
Jul 16, 2019

OPINION, Latest Updates
Let the government govern
Let the government govern

Opposition to the Guthi Bill challenged the legitimacy of the government but could it be a watershed moment that breaks Kathmandu’s domination over Nepal?
Jul 02, 2019

OPINION, Latest Updates
Corruption and citizens
Corruption and citizens

A lone protester staging a hunger strike against corruption provides an illuminating view on how the absence of individual responsibility in Nepal’s civil society is fuelling corruption
Jun 18, 2019

Playing God
Playing God

For government to promote private sector, it must learn to play like God, which provides destinies and allows humans to fulfill them while remaining invisible
Jun 04, 2019

Disintegration of business
Disintegration of business

Efforts by industries to contest the retroactive electricity bills raised by Nepal Electricity Authority illustrates how businesses have lost control of their narrative
May 21, 2019