Shyam Sharma
The author teaches writing and rhetoric at the State University of New York in Stony Brook. He can be reached at
Three Thresholds for AI use
Three Thresholds for AI use

AI use is exposing people’s lack or disregard of knowledge, honesty, and accountability. If we want to avoid letting AI make us ignorant, dishonest, and uncountable to broader social good, we must commit to elevating and maintaining fairly high standards in these three regards.
Jun 22, 2024

Using AI: Credit, Content, Credibility
Using AI: Credit, Content, Credibility

AI is blurring boundaries of all kinds, so we all need a communicative philosophy to help us set boundaries for content, credit, and credibility when using AI tools.
May 16, 2024

We’re Hallucinating, Not AI
We’re Hallucinating, Not AI

When lawyers lie, doctors kill, or teachers fool and then deflect responsibility to a machine, we must see these problems as the visible tip of humanity’s collective hallucination.
Mar 17, 2024

Expertise Cycle
Expertise Cycle

To truly improve teaching, it is time to take the expert out of training, center professional development back in the classroom, and unleash the power of the practitioner-as-expert–letting such a cycle of expertise replace traditional teacher training.
Jul 26, 2023

Educating Beyond the Bots
Educating Beyond the Bots

The current discourse about artificial intelligence not only reflects a narrow view of education. It also represents romanticization of, or alarmism about, new technologies, while insulting students as dishonest by default.
Feb 12, 2023

Bridges and Barriers
Bridges and Barriers

All languages must be used for advancing and using new knowledge for social good. And scholars should strive to build bridges instead of barriers with languages.
May 15, 2022

TU is Well
TU is Well

Nepalese academia, including Tribhuvan University, has challenges, but we must tell the full story, including what it is doing well.
Feb 11, 2022

Magic tools and research integrity
Magic tools and research integrity

Plagiarism is a manifestation of a deeper problem in academia: Of publishing for the sake of publishing, and of rewarding it regardless.
Mar 23, 2021

OPINION, Latest Updates
Unteaching tyranny
Unteaching tyranny

When a fellow professor in a teacher training program said last month that he takes attendance twice during class since going online, I was surprised by the tyrannical idea. What if a student lost internet connection or electricity, ran out of data or was sharing a device, had family obligations or...
Jul 07, 2020

Languaging Research
Languaging Research

“English is . . . the language of higher education, mass media, information and communication technology, business, tourism, science and medicine,” says the introduction to the recently published English language curriculum for 11th and 12th grades. Built upon this combination of half truths, ignora...
Mar 15, 2020