Hemant Arjyal
A win-win for Nijgadh?
A win-win for Nijgadh?

The scare created by a coffee spill in the cockpit happens to be the interesting story for this week. Two A350s experienced uncommanded in-flight shutdown of one of the engines after spillage on the centre pedestal that housed “start and control” engine functions. Happening within three months, the...
Feb 15, 2020

Tail wagging the dog
Tail wagging the dog

This is about some instances and incidents which may be known or unknown but might be of some interest to those following aviation. The biggest news of all happens to be the worldwide fear created by the emergence of Coronavirus. Thanks to the ease brought in by air travel it has since been traced t...
Feb 01, 2020

Doubly volatile
Doubly volatile

I just could not avoid talking about Ukraine International Airlines (PS) horrendous misfortune this time even if wishing to move to another topic. Writing on different aviation aspects carries a risk of being contemptuously labeled as “one person expert” by people within the fraternity. Even as one...
Jan 18, 2020

OPINION, Latest Updates
Playing snakes and ladders
Playing snakes and ladders

Here are issues related to B737Max, decision about ending A380 production and stalling of Jet Airways
Jan 04, 2020

More than a fistful
More than a fistful

The media is currently hot with the Nijgadh debate. The location for a new “green forest” airport, commonly understood as the “second” international or even as “prime” international airport, is in every media, print or visual. Not being able to do much in terms of visible development beyond lip talk...
Dec 21, 2019

Taking for granted
Taking for granted

One runs out of topic even when writing about the unending plight of an airport or an airline. At times readers may find same issue being repeatedly written about. This happens primarily as issues hardly ever get tackled inviting outrage. The idea about using TIA runway in one direction (S to N), I...
Dec 07, 2019

Full throttle overhead
Full throttle overhead

One old aviation hand suggested that I should do a piece timed to coincide with 36th International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers Association (IFATCA) Asia Pacific Regional Meeting (APRM) in Kathmandu (21-23 November). Seventy-seven and long retired, he still loves getting involved with aviat...
Nov 23, 2019

No, not a drop more
No, not a drop more

It is accepted that overbearing confidence sometimes leads to unwarranted consequences. This happens too often in our everyday life. At times we get impatient trailing an over laden vehicle occupying the middle of a highway. Few years ago a well known personality got killed in an accident that shoul...
Nov 16, 2019

OPINION, Latest Updates
Personal drone and tattered jama
Personal drone and tattered jama

Recent impromptu verbal outbursts against the sitting civil aviation minister has more to do with deep frustrations among paying passengers for having made to wait for someone as if they did not matter
Sep 21, 2019

OPINION, Latest Updates
Acting deaf n dumb
Acting deaf n dumb

New tourism minister has come up with list of tasks he wishes to get done before Visit Nepal Year 2020. But he has left out many aspects
Sep 07, 2019