Dr Aruna Uprety
Dr aruna uprety
Fighting hidden hunger
Fighting hidden hunger

A young mother was proudly saying to her mother: “I have started to fortify my daughter’s food but not with medicine. I use natural plants and spices as I learnt from some doctors that we have enough food to make my daughter healthy.” The young mother has good knowledge about how to take care of hea...
Aug 25, 2019

Unnecessary prescription
Unnecessary prescription

If public health workers are trained to spread awareness about the rich nutrition that is already available in our diets, the government can effectively and efficiently reduce vitamin deficiency
Jul 09, 2019

Yoga for health
Yoga for health

Yoga exercises reduce back pain, make spine stronger and flexible and also keep our digestive and reproductive systems healthy
Jun 20, 2019

Reviving home remedies
Reviving home remedies

Garlic has antibacterial, antivirus, antifungal, and antioxidant properties and nutrients. For this reason, garlic soup is used by many people to get rid of common cold
May 15, 2019

Ageing gracefully
Ageing gracefully

Age does not matter. We must learn to make peace with our flaws and learn to be thankful for what we have and who we are
Mar 03, 2019

Menopause guide
Menopause guide

In Nepal we do not have government or private initiatives to discuss about health issues of women after menopause
Jan 08, 2019

Healing properties of vegetables
Healing properties of vegetables

My grandmother used to give us banana and yogurt when we had diarrhea. She had the knowledge to use banana as medicine from her grandmother
Nov 01, 2018

Yoga: Benefits and limitations
Yoga: Benefits and limitations

Yoga is a lifestyle, and people who want to do Yoga must also change their lifestyle
Jun 21, 2018

Reflection on abortion
Reflection on abortion

I feel proud that health workers and activists in Nepal were far ahead of people of Ireland in terms of ensuring abortion rights.
Jun 02, 2018

The fairness delusion
The fairness delusion
Many young girls think if they use creams as shown in ads by cine stars, their face will be as white as theirs. They are wrong.
Aug 11, 2016