Ashim Neupane
ashim neupane
Neupane is associated with Republica, English National Daily, since September 2016. He reports and writes on industry, telecommunication, market, trade, among other issues. Lately, Neupane extensively covered the Covid-19 pandemic and health-related issues for the print version of Republica.
Latest Updates, Coronavirus
A doctor’s fight for COVID-19 risk allowance
A doctor’s fight for COVID-19 risk allowance

Dr Mallik says he will continue his protest unless he gets paid for his hard work in difficult times
Apr 06, 2021

NEPAL, SOCIETY, Coronavirus
Landslide of COVID-19 cases if contact tracing is not resumed, warn experts
Landslide of COVID-19 cases if contact tracing is not resume...

KATHMANDU, April 4: With the sudden rise in COVID-19 cases in India, the number of infections has also been rising in Nepal since the last two weeks.
Apr 04, 2021

SOCIETY, Republica Watch
COVID-19 Crisis Management Center is ‘nonfunctional’
COVID-19 Crisis Management Center is ‘nonfunctional’
The CCMC sat for a meeting after a gap of three months on Thursday
Mar 20, 2021
SOCIETY, Republica Watch, Latest Updates
RNA extraction kits worth 60 million gathering dust
RNA extraction kits worth 60 million gathering dust

The kits procured by the Nepal Army are expiring in September, but government doesn’t have a plan to use them
Feb 26, 2021

SOCIETY, Republica Watch, Latest Updates, Coronavirus
How Oli government botched COVID-19 response
How Oli government botched COVID-19 response

Although the number of cases was increasing, the government gave up on contact tracing and testing, and tightened the ambit of testing
Feb 22, 2021

SOCIETY, Republica Watch, Latest Updates
Air pollution emergency in Kathmandu
Air pollution emergency in Kathmandu
The city has the world’s worst air quality, but the government is yet to take action
Kathmandu Valley made a record of having worst air quality in the world, with AQI standing at above 400 μg/m3
Jan 05, 2021
SOCIETY, Republica Watch
Isolation centers are empty, but ICUs are overcrowded
Isolation centers are empty, but ICUs are overcrowded

COVID-19 patients only visit hospitals if they experience serious symptoms
Dec 16, 2020

SOCIETY, Latest Updates
Has Sagarmatha’s height increased? Nepal and China to reveal the newly-measured height tod...
Has Sagarmatha’s height increased? Nepal and China to reveal...

This the first time the government has measured the height of Sagarmatha on its own
Dec 08, 2020

Number of COVID-19-related deaths far higher than Health Ministry’s data
Number of COVID-19-related deaths far higher than Health Min...

As per health ministry’s data, the mortality rate stands at 0.63 percent, while the record maintained by Nepal Army shows fatality rate at 1.02 percent
Nov 29, 2020

SOCIETY, Latest Updates
Despite failing to combat pandemic, govt claims over Rs 20 billion has been spent in COVID...
Despite failing to combat pandemic, govt claims over Rs 20 b...
In the current fiscal year, the government has already spent more than Rs 7 billion for combating COVID-19
Nov 12, 2020