Anweiti Upadhyay
Anweiti Upadhyay
The Week, Latest Updates
Recommendations of a fiction fanatic
Recommendations of a fiction fanatic

19-year-old Pragya Mallick has been reading for as long as she can remember. Mallick, who is currently in her third semester of Bachelor’s in Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Kathmandu University, claims that she spends a good chunk of her free time reading novels and when she isn’t doing t...
Apr 03, 2020

SOCIETY, The Week, Latest Updates
What's keeping you sane?
What's keeping you sane?

Once upon a time, there was so much we wanted to do but not enough time to do it all. Now most of us are in a quandary as to what to do with all the free time on our hands. Life went from one extreme to another. When she first heard the news about the nationwide lockdown, Shrija Shres- tha was horri...
Apr 03, 2020

The Week
Style Talk: Casual & comfortable
Style Talk: Casual & comfortable

22-year-old Sharmila Nepal’s career as a model began when she joined the lineup of the seventh season of the ‘En Vogue’ finalists. After winning the ‘Most Talented’ title at the competition, Nepal has gone on to walk multiple runways and has been featured in adverts for different brands. A second ye...
Mar 20, 2020

The Week, Latest Updates
Fusion of flavors
Fusion of flavors

As someone who appreciates and mostly sticks to typical Nepali food, the combination of these two seemingly discordant cuisines did not sound very appealing to me. But after hearing good things about it from a friend, I decided to step out of my comfort zone and try out the restaurant. And am I glad...
Mar 20, 2020

The Week
Thrifting Economical and environmentally friendly
Thrifting Economical and environmentally friendly

When influencer and blogger Anusmriti Chapagain started getting messages from her followers asking her to sell her own clothing items (that she didn’t use anymore), she decided to give thrifting a shot. She didn’t really think her followers would even be interested in the items she was reselling but...
Mar 13, 2020

The Week
Fun with Fashion
Fun with Fashion

Aishwarya Baidar’s YouTube channel, girlmeetsworld, could be every fashion enthusiasts’ guilty pleasure. Although Baidar has only posted a few videos, she mentions that she has put in a lot of thought into everything and all the videos on her channel are aesthetic and pretty. What’s more is that her...
Mar 06, 2020

The Week
It’s not just good food, it’s an experience
It’s not just good food, it’s an experience

Until a few months ago, I used to be very rigid about my food choices. I knew what I liked, strictly denied tasting something I thought I wouldn’t like and barely tried out new cuisines or dishes in general. The past me would’ve probably never agreed to trying out most East Asian cuisines. But after...
Feb 28, 2020

The Week
Art to her rescue
Art to her rescue

Art has been a part of Rashana Bajracharya’s life since she was a toddler. Now a freelance illustrator, visual artist and a designer at the Supreme Court, Bajracharya is a well-known name in the Nepali art scene. And Bajracharya claims that she sees art as more than just her career.
Feb 28, 2020

The Week
Formal doesn’t have to be boring
Formal doesn’t have to be boring

There aren’t many places in Kathmandu that sell or tailor formal wear for women. And a few years ago, when Shrija Shrestha went out shopping for a formal blazer to wear to her workplace, she had to roam around half the town before she found one she could make do with. As someone who has always enjoy...
Feb 21, 2020

The Week
Flu facts
Flu facts

Suyash Dahal, 17, has taken to wearing surgical masks everywhere he goes ever since he first heard news about the potential coronavirus pandemic. Dahal, who is a +2 student, mentions that although he never wore masks until a couple of weeks ago because he finds them uncomfortable, he feels masks hav...
Feb 21, 2020