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Narayan Adhikari

naraya adhikari

The author is a researcher on National Security and Terrorism.


OPINION, Latest Updates

19 years of 9/11

September 11, 2001. That was the black day of terror for the world. Today, 19 years later, we still feel its reverberations. The 9/11 attack was the deadliest attack on the US soil since the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor during World War II.
Sep 11, 2020
OPINION, Latest Updates

Why Nepal should take its security seriously

The world is suffering from a global health crisis.  The COVID-19 has brought suffering, fear, and death everywhere. Nepal is struggling to overcome these terrible situations. Nobody knows when the vaccines will come out. People are losing lives every day.
Sep 07, 2020
BLOG, Latest Updates

Baghdadi's death and growing terrorist threat in South Asia

On October 27, 2019, Sunday morning, President Donald Trump proclaimed at the White House that "world's number one terrorist leader" is dead. On October 26, the US special force killed the world's most-wanted man Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in northern Syria.
Nov 01, 2019