KATHMANDU, March 21: Sixteen Nepali-language and one English-language weekly newspapers have decided to cease publication of their print editions citing special circumstances.
The publication of newspapers was suspended on coronavirus fears.
COVID-19 fear: Weekly newspapers from Kathmandu cease their pri...

Writing an application to the Nepal Press Council on Friday, the editors of the Nepali language weekly newspapers have informed the media regulatory body that they have stopped printing of the newspapers. Those newspapers include Janaastha, Drishti, Deshantar, Sanghu, Nepalipatra, People’s Review, Janadharana, Madhesbani, Budhabar, Tarun, Haank, Ghatana Ra Bichar, Jana Ahwhan, Tamakoshi, Rastrabani and Samayabaddha.
They have demanded the council should provide compensation to news organizations.
Nepali Times, an English language weekly newspaper, has decided to cease publication of its print edition until the situation returns to normalcy.
The publisher, Himal Media has said curtailed public mobility led it to suspend the publication of the newspaper.