1. Get specific with your goals.
“Save money” is another good goal. But how? And how much? Without some definable parameters, your best intentions can get lost in the shuffle. "The more detailed you can be—'I'm going to save $30 a week by eating out one fewer meal'—the [easier] it is to stay focused on what you have to do to succeed," Kubiak says. Setting small, specific goals also keeps you encouraged along the way—each time you meet one, you have reason to celebrate your progress.
Seven steps for making your New Year’s resolutions stick
2. Write down your goals.
People who write down their goals feel a greater sense of accountability and have a much higher chance of accomplishing them, Elizabeth Ward, PhD, psychologist and performance coach and consultant in Boston, tells SELF. Post your goals on your fridge, write them in dry-erase marker on the bathroom mirror, or write them down in a journal. Journaling can also help you reflect on your progress, Kloubec says. "Honest reflection can help you to see how you may be sabotaging yourself or to recognize patterns of behavior."
3. Check in with yourself regularly.
Reassessing your goal throughout the weeks and months it takes to get there is essential. Once you start making changes, you may find your original goal was a little unrealistic. Instead of sticking with it once you find it's probably not possible, feel free to tweak the goal as you see fit. "I would encourage people to, even after a month, reevaluate their goals," Ward says. Look at your lifestyle and revise your goals to make sure they really work fit in, she suggests. "Then share with the person that you’re sharing accountability with, or write it down."