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5 Delicious Recipes to Fight Constipation

Constipation refers to a condition of the digestive system in which there’s difficulty in expelling the feces usually due to hardened feces.

Constipation refers to a condition of the digestive system in which there’s difficulty in expelling the feces usually due to hardened feces. The feces start hardening when the colon absorbs too much water from the food. The slower the digestion, the more water gets absorbed resulting in more hardened feces. Constipation is among the top digestive problems that people go through.

Laxatives are the solution to constipation but the use of chemical laxatives comes up with their own side effects.  Here are five delicious recipes that act as natural laxatives to clear out your bowel.

1.Juice of Aloe vera and Honey


½ glass of water

6 tablespoons aloe vera juice or gel

1 tablespoon of honey

Method of Preparation

Mix all the ingredients in the blender and beat until smooth.

Appropriate Time

For effective results, drink before breakfast for two weeks every day.


Aloe vera juice controls the amount of gastric juice and also controls any sort of inflammation present in the stomach. The combination of aloe vera and honey helps to maintain the bacterial flora in the digestive system and to relieve constipation.

2.Apple and Papaya juice


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1 apple

½ glass of water

3 slices of ripe Papaya

1 tablespoon of honey

Method of Preparation

Blend all the ingredients in a blender until you get a homogeneous mixture. Drink it without straining.

Appropriate Time

Consume it with your breakfast. For effective results, drink for two weeks every day.


Papaya is rich in digestive enzymes. Pectin, a soluble fiber found in apples helps in the movement of stool in the digestive tract. This combination of apple and papaya is a very effective natural laxative.


3.Orange and Kiwi juice


3 oranges

2  kiwis

Method of Preparation

Peel the oranges and kiwis, cut them into small pieces and blend them until smooth. Drink it without straining.

Appropriate Time

Consume it after having heavy foods and foods less in fiber.


Kiwi produces an enzyme called actinidin that serves to improve bowel mobility. In combination with the fibers in oranges, this drink can be very effective in relieving constipation.


4.Flaxseed and Guava juice


½ glass of water

½ guava

1 tablespoon flaxseed

Method of Preparation

Soak flaxseed in half glass of water at night. Add half guava to the soaked flaxseed along with the slimy water in which it was soaked, in a blender and blend them until smooth. 

Appropriate Time

Drink it on an empty stomach every day until the problem subsides.


Guavas consist of soluble fiber in the pulp and insoluble fiber in the seeds. They also help in producing mucus in the anus. Flaxseeds are also rich in fiber and when soaked in water becomes slimy.  

5.Mango and Raisins


1 glass of water

1 mango

8 raisins

Method of Preparation

Soak raisins in a glass of water at night. Add one mango to the soaked raisins along with half of the water in which it was soaked. Blend it until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.  

Appropriate Time

Drink this mixture an hour after breakfast or lunch.


Rightly known as the king of the fruits, the polyphenols in mangoes help in improving the stool frequency. When mixed with raisins which are rich in fibers this recipe helps in fighting constipation.

See more on: Constipation
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