KATHMANDU, March 24: With the alarming rise of COVID-19 infection cases across the globe, and the WHO labeling the disease as a pandemic, we are in a state of panic. The largest tech companies including Apple, Google, Amazon, and Oracle have already rolled out mandatory remote work (Work From Home) policies as one of their measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus infection.
Working from home is the most effective way to control the outbreak inside organizations, but it can be a bit of a challenge for workers to stay productive and motivated. The idea of Working From Home might sound like people slacking off in pyjamas or dozing off on a comfy bed but it’s quite the opposite when it comes to productivity and achievements.
There are many productive and effective ways to keep “work mode on” while staying at home. Think about it — you don’t have to follow a strict routine and since you are in your comfort zone, a lot more creative ideas can pop up than in meetings.
Since most of us are not accustomed to working from home, here are 6 work-at-home tips and tricks to make yourself productive and calm amidst the COVID-19 outbreak.
1. Create a dedicated workspace
7 effective time management tips for college students

Different people have different styles of working. Some don’t mind completing a project deadline while watching TV while others need a definite, clear and organized workspace. For most, decluttering and organizing a workspace has proven to increase productivity and concentration. Make sure that this place is quiet and less crowded with family members. You can find a dedicated room or a space in your room and re-create it like your working desk.
2. Schedule your day with To-Dos
Be your own supervisor and manage your day by creating a list of tasks. Create a schedule and highlight time for each task to understand what you want to accomplish. Create a schedule like what you will do and when you will do it throughout the day. Set reminders for yourself to complete an assignment before jumping on to the next.
3. You are not alone
At a time of health crisis like this, where WHO has recommended social distancing and self-isolation as precautions for the coronavirus infection, panic and loneliness might be normal feelings. To avoid these feelings, an effective method is to communicate with your colleagues through video calls, giving regular updates about what you have been doing and new things you learned. Virtual bonding and staying connected fights isolation lightens up the panic mode, and even halts the house-arrest boredom.
4. Be aware of cabin fever
The last thing you want at times like this is catching cabin fever! Since you are obliged to remain isolated, you might end up staying on your computer longer, overindulging in news and every update you find on the digital platform. Psychological experts state that the habit of constantly hogging screens and staying inside the room can result in anxiety and stress, causing headaches, restlessness, and nausea — cabin fever.
To avoid cabin fever, try to stick to your daily routine and take quick breaks as much as you can. Instead of watching something online, stroll around your backyard, terrace, or make yourself a cup of coffee. Don’t assume you need to be working 100% of the time while you’re home to be more productive.
5. Self-care is a must
With gyms and counselling centers all shut down, you might be ignoring your physical and mental health. Aforementioned, stick to your regular routine. Create a work out zone inside your house and follow online training workout routines. Meditate a lot. This is the time to use that scented candle or the incense stick you bought but never used. Light them and create a stress-free environment to work in. Eat right and do not splurge on junk food. Do whatever it
6. Change your perspective
Amidst all the headlines circulating about the deadly coronavirus, staying positive and changing your perspective is a key to avoid stress and anxiety. Think of it as a time to discover one’s potential and learn new skills that interest you. Always look for the upside in situations and take time to invest in yourself and do the things that you used to love doing, like painting or writing. Stay connected with your family and neighbors and help each other out through ways that are possible.
Source: medium.com