KATHMANDU, Oct 2: Actor Anmol KC, who was arrested following a complaint filed by producer Supriya Katuwal regarding a financial transaction dispute related to the film 'Rawayan,' has been released from custody. Authorities have entrusted him to the care of his parents for future appearances as required.
Kumod Dhungel, the spokesperson at the District Police Range Kathmandu, revealed that although the District Court initially granted a three-day detention period, Anmol KC was released as there was no further need for investigative detention.
Nepali film star Anmol KC arrested amidst controversy surroundi...
Following his release, Anmol KC departed from the police station in a car he had brought from home.
The legal issue arose when producer Supriya Katuwal lodged a complaint against KC concerning a financial dispute related to the film 'Rawayan.' Anmol KC was arrested in Sanga on a Friday evening.
During police questioning, KC clarified that despite his efforts to repay one million rupees, the film's producer had declined to accept the funds. He also stated that his decision to decline the project was based on his personal dislike for the film's script.