The top five finalists of dance reality show Rio Chamchami-3 were announced on Wednesday. According to the press statement released by Rio Chamchami-3, Alex B K from Kohalpur got eliminated from the show, and the competition will now be between five contestants.
“Though Alex’s journey in the dance competition has come to an end his journey to be an international dancer has just started,” the statement read. Meanwhile, guest actor Sweta Khadka and one of the judges of the competition, Mahesh Godar, announced that Alex will be a part of several film projects in the future.
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Quoting Ram Babu Adhikari, media coordinator for the event, the press statement said, “Manita Rai from Sunsari received a special gift hamper on behalf of Chaudhary Group for garnering highest SMS votes from the audience.”
The show is aired every Wednesday at 8:40 pm on NTV. Viewers can also watch the show’s live stream at
Chaudhary Group’s Rio juice is the main sponsor of the event. According to the press statement, the winner of the show will get a Datsun Redi Go car, first runner up will receive LG home appliances worth Rs 500,000 and second runner up will get LG home appliances worth Rs 300,000.
Similarly, top seven contestants will get 32 inches LG smart TV each as consolation prize.