KATHMANDU, Mar 5: A complete men’s march is being organized on March 8, the International Women’s Day to voice their concerns for violence against women and girls. Organized by Yuwalaya, Youth Action Nepal and Yuwa, the march, is first ever event organized where young and adult men shall march for gender equality to raise their voices against increasing violence cast upon women and girls.
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The main aim of this event is to create an opportunity for men to come together and discuss, realize and internalize about their role in reducing violence against women and girls.
The Men's March will be organized on 8th March 2018 where the participants will march peacefully with placards and torch lights. Additionally, there will be discussions on men's role in eliminating violence against women and girls, documentary show, dance and solidarity commitments from (young) Men at the concluding function.
The March is scheduled at 1:30 PM on March 8.