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Be a good listener to act smarter

Dear Sadichha, I would like to begin by saying that you are the most confident and charming lady that I’ve ever com...
By Republica

Dear Sadichha,

I would like to begin by saying that you are the most confident and charming lady that I’ve ever come across. I wanted to know how I can also appear charming and confident. I get distracted easily by little things. Please tell me what I can do to stay focused on my goals.

Thank you so much for your sweet words. I must admit, it is not easy to stay focused. It is challenging, but it is also worth it! Some research suggests that the attention span of an adult human being is around 20 mins, which is very less. However, to achieve greater things in life, do your work well, and focus on your goals. We need to learn to prioritize things according to its importance and work on them with dedication. Start with small things, like if you are doing a project at home, set a timer and a goal that you wouldn’t budge until you get at least half of it done. Then, treat yourself with something that you like doing, watch a short video or get yourself a quick snack. But remember to time those too and make sure you get back to finishing your project. Social Media is also one of the main reasons we get distracted very easily, so I suggest keeping the notifications off; only use them during certain hours of the day. If you start with these I am confident you will be able to focus better and not be distracted too much. 

Dear Sadichha,

I am a 22-year-old girl from Hetauda currently living in Kathmandu. I have recently enrolled to one of the universities here. It has been approximately four months since our classes started. However, I don’t feel good at college. I find my classmates a little unwelcoming. They tease or embarrass me whenever possible. I feel social environment plays an important role for a person’s overall growth which has not been possible here. So, I have been thinking of going back to my hometown. Would that be a sound decision? Or, should I rather start ignoring them? Please tell me what I should do.

Hi there, I am sorry that your classmates behave that way. I hope all of them aren’t like that. Find friends that understand you and respect the differences you have. Your environment definitely plays an important role in your learning. However, do not let these issues distract you from your main objective. Also, realize that you don’t need other people’s acceptance to validate yourself. Work hard on your studies, focus on achieving your goals. It is difficult to find good friends. On the bright side, look at this as an opportunity to separate people who are worthy of becoming your friends and people who are not. 

Dear Sadichha,

I am a 32-year-old male. I went to Dubai two years back in search of a better future. I found a good job, and my pay was good too. Unfortunately, the company I work for sent me back home due to issues with my documents. This came to me as a shock, and I have been suffering a lot since then. I have been trying to focus on new things but have not been successful in doing so. Can you please suggest how I can keep myself motivated?

Life always has its ups and downs. I am happy that you are looking for ways to keep yourself motivated even at a difficult time. I don’t know if you want to go back or can go back. However, if you have decided to stay here, I think that is a good idea too. There are a lot of opportunities in Nepal as well. I am not sure about your profession in Dubai, but I am positive that you will be able to find work in Nepal too. You will need to work harder though. I am sure your experience in Dubai will also be a great advantage. If are in contact with Dubai returnees who are currently working in Nepal, contact them. You can learn how they made their transition. Listening to their experience and learning should also help you provide better clarity. The main plus point about being here in Nepal is that you will always have your family by your side.

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Dear Sadichha,

I am a 23-year-old girl living in Kathmandu. I completed my bachelor’s degree a year ago and have been looking for opportunities here at Nepal. However, I’m having a tough time explaining my parents about my career plans. I have neither been able to pin down a job opportunity, nor find a suitable course I want to pursue. I have now been considering going abroad so that I can earn and study there. However, I have not been able to make a firm decision. Kindly let me know what I can do.

You’ve just completed your bachelor’s and it is not essential to have a roadmap of your career planned this very moment. Enjoy this time before you take your next step in life. Take some time out to really think about what you want to do next and where you want to be. If you would like to stay in Nepal, I would personally suggest you find a Master’s degree course and enroll in it. You can always work while studying, and that, I think is the best way to learn. Finding a job is not easy, but you can’t give up so easily too. Look for opportunities in the papers, on social media, and through personal connections. If you want to go abroad, do your research on where you would like to study, and the working condition there. Talk to someone already living in that particular country for better insights. Going abroad is not as easy as it sounds. I suggest that you write down all your options along with their pros and cons. Talk to your seniors, friends or family member for better guidance before deciding what you want to do next.

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