BrandLab is an advertising agency which uses social media for advertisement. The company provides promotion to clients or companies on digital platform. Facebook pages are mostly used by this agency for advertising certain products or branding certain company. Digital advertising is necessary to reach targeted audience for the promotion of the brand and is comparatively cheaper than the traditional method of advertising.
Social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and others have made communication better and faster. The advertising world has always affected the things we do, buy, eat or wear.
Rabin Pradhan, the managing director of BrandLab says, “There are around 8 million Facebook users in Nepal. Using social media for advertisement can be more effective and affordable instead of traditional method of advertising.”
Facebok advertisement lets you choose your audience. If you were advertising a brand of pink lipstick in a traditional way, the company cannot be sure if it reached to the targeted group of young women between the ages of 16 to 24. Instead it could reach everyone, even to a man who has no interest in it and the value of the brand would decrease but the Facebook advertisement prevents it.
BrandLab was established six months ago and it has created a new advertising and branding space in Nepal and continues to grow with the ever growing use of social media.
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