Madan Krishna Shrestha, renowned comedian and actor inaugurated a theater established in his name during a grand function organized at Pathshala Pre-Uni program in Baneshwor on Saturday.
Government only thinking of taking temporary benefits: Madan Kr...
Previously, former Vice-chancellor of Kathmandu University Suresh Raj Sharma and Ambika Shrestha, chairperson of Dwarika Hotel and Resorts had jointly inaugurated the new building, earlier known as Pathshala Ghar.
In an attempt to impart various interpersonal skills to its students the Pathshala Pre-Uni Program has built an advanced theater hall.
Addressing the inaugural ceremony of the newly built well-equipped theater, Madan Krishna Shrestha said his daughter wanted to return to Nepal but she was wondering whether Nepal has the schools having the standard of the US.
Shrestha hoped that Pathshala could be developed as a world-class school and added that many couples living abroad cannot decide to return home just because of their children’s education.