Actor duo Sitaram Kattel and Kunjana Ghimire, AKA Dhurmus-Suntali, is debuting as a producer via the movie ‘Senti-Virus’. They were last featured in the movie ‘Ward No 6’.
Kattel took to his Facebook account on Wednesday and shared that certain amount of total profit from the movie will be used for the construction of Gautam Buddha International Cricket Stadium in Chitwan. He wrote, “Along with the campaign of stadium construction, we are trying to continue our acting career. Hence, we have announced to produce the movie ‘Senti-Virus’. We have decided to use certain portion of the movie’s profit for the construction of stadium. Similarly, we have decided to use 20 percent profit of the movie for social cause.”
Dhurmus-Suntali’s ‘ Ma Ta Marchhu Ki Kya Ho’ released on OTT pl...
The movie will feature various well known faces including Dayahang Rai, Rajaram Poudel, Buddi Tamang, Wilson Bikram Rai, Kamalmani Nepal and Suryamala Khanal.