The Supreme Court (SC) has rejected the writ petition filed by actress Shilpa Pokharel against the decision of the district court Kathmandu to issue an arrest warrant against her. A joint bench of justices— Ishwar Khatiwada and Manoj Kumar Sharma—on Tuesday dismissed the writ petition filed by the actress against the district court. As the SC has dismissed her writ petition, the door to arrest her has opened.
Hema Ojha, filmmaker Chhabi Ojha’s first wife lodged a case of polygamy against Chabbi and Shilpa at Metropolitan Police Circle, Gaushala last July. Shilpa went to High Court in Patan after the court issued an arrest warrant against her.
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However, Patan District Court rejected the appeal to halt the arrest warrant. Then, she went to SC where a single bench of Cholendra Shumsher JBR, chief justice of SC, ordered not to arrest her on August 18.
According to the Chapter on a marriage of Criminal Code 2017, if polygamy is convicted, producer Ojha and actress Pokharel will have to face imprisonment from one year to five years and have to pay Rs 10,000 to Rs 50,000 as fine.