While there were many speculations around who will star alongside Kartik Aaryan in Dostana 2, after the announcement of Lakshya joining the cast, the speculations have come to end. The film stars Kartik and Janhvi Kapoor in the lead and with this new face the audiences are more excited to see the film. First the excitement was around the film and now it’s more around the cast of the film. Lakshya has been on cloud nice since he has joined the Dharma brigade and looks like debutant’s father is feeling proud of his son.
Japanese FM Kamikawa Yoko sends message of condolences to his N...
Lakshya’s father wrote a touching message to him and that made him feel better about him. Lakshya was overwhelmed by the message so he shared it on his Instagram. The message reads, “Beta, today was my day after 4 long years, I was free of all tensions and my head was light as bird flying, my body was light as a feather, which enjoys a ride with flowing current of air.”
Dostana in 2008 was a hit which starred Priyanka Chopra, John Abraham and Abhishek Bachchan in the lead roles. Now it would be challenging for the newbies to live up to it. Lakshya has been part of few TV serials and now he has contract of four films with Dharma productions.