The Sarwanam Theatre is all set to soon organize Drishyamsha, a competition where short movies prepared from mobile phones are exhibited.
This will be the second edition of Drishyamsha after the first edition took place about four years ago and was considered to be a success due to the involvement of innovative applicants. The main purpose of this competition, according to Sarwanam Theatre, is to act as a platform to assist youths who are yet to be acknowledged of their creativity in the media.
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To participate in the competition, the movies should be maximum three-minutes long and should be submitted to the Sarwanam Theatre within January 31. Despite the videos being captured via mobile phones, they can be given some background music or even edited to make them better.
On the prize distribution day, 10 best movies will be exhibited at the theatre and winners will be announced. The winner will be awarded Rs 75,000, first runner up will receive an iPad and the second runner up will get a tablet.