A grand premiere show of ‘Kathputali’ was held on Wednesday at Big Movies, Kamalpokhari. At the premiere, Bibeksheel Sajha Party’s President Rabindra Mishra, playwright Ashesh Malla, singer duo Satya-Swarupraj Acharya, actor Sandeep Chhetri, director and journalist Dinesh DC, writer Pradip Bhardwaj, actress Benisha Hamal, model Nirajan Pradhan, director Sudarshan Thapa among others were present.
'Nepali Fiction' premieres at Kantipur Cinemas
The movie ' Kathputali', which is going to be released in halls across the country from Friday, has been described as excellent by the filmmakers. Although many shortcomings were found in the horror films made in Nepal, they have given a good response to this film.
The film is directed by Veemsen Lama and written by Sampada Malla. The film is produced by Prithvi Rana Magar. The film tells the story of a battle between father and son for power within the royal palace. About the rulers who are dictators, who sexually assault innocent women for pleasure and kill them.
The movie features actors Gauri Malla, Mithila Sharma, Karma, Shilpa Maskey, Usha Rajak, among others.