Actress Barsha Raut said she tends to follow the fashion trend and always prefer for attractive new look. Amid an inauguration program of Sajina's Creation boutique at Naxal, Barsha said that she is always concern about fashion trend. She also lauded the features of the boutique.
“Nepali attire like kurtha, lehenga, and saari are my all time favorite and I am happy that Sajina's Creation has prioritized such clothes,” said Barsha. Owned by Sajina Bista, the boutique offers causal, bridal, indo-western, costumes among others. Bista herself has designed dresses for several fashion shows and pageants.
Fashion fever
“Most of the people think that fashion is all about expensive costumes, but we want to break this misconception,” Bista said. When asked why Barsha Raut to inaugurate the boutique? Bista said, “People follow celebrity’s trend, her attire will inspire millions of people. That’s why we invited her for the inauguration.”