The current weather condition correctly personifies the socio-political temperament of the nation, or at least in the province of 1, 5 and 7. Along with the rising temperature, political landscape is in frenzy with former adversaries now allies and vice-versa. What is more peculiar is the tie-up between forces opposite in nature who in past couldn’t stand each other. Politics is said to be ever-changing, belonging to none and rightfully so. The new formed pact goes to show how unexpected this election is, with none wanting to take a chance and willing to forego their ideologies in hopes to win the coming election.
What majority of voters fails to understand is that this election is as much important as the general election and could possibly be even more important. The undeniable fact is that this election is bound to be directly and locally responsible for the budget allocation, development plans and day-to-day operation. What makes it even more crucial is the fact that the new constitution and federal restructuring gives it more power to govern its influential area as it chooses, thus having a direct impact on people’s lives. The budget allocation has also increased many folds with ever increasing metro and sub-metropolitan areas.
When eavesdropping in on the conversation, there seems to be a general consensus about the feeling of loyalty, a false sense of belonging, belief in the ideology. Many are swayed by the dynamic and engrossing personality of a leader whereas others find solace in the archaic cobweb covered ideologies never put in practice. But the truth remains, this election is unlike the ones before and that too in a nation that has seen regime changes and believed in ballot power many-a-times only to be tricked and sedated.
Dissecting election results

Yes, ideologies matter, loyalties matter, personality matters. But only as long as the ones helming it are capable enough. What good is a library in a crowd of illiterate? Granted, the parties’ one affiliated to, is right intentioned but the one holding the ticket, contesting for the office of the land mayn’t be. For the parties while granting ticket don’t check the morality of the candidate, all they seek is a win and are often dictated by power balance. So it is up to the voters to not be fooled by the sense of belonging and loyalty but weigh each candidate against a moral compass for what good is a grand ship unequipped with a compass. Sooner or later it is bound to meet the faith of the titanic but sadly the captains would be afloat in their well-built boats while we bicker for a piece of raft.
Hence, this election let us not vote for note and be shackled by past loyalties and dynamic personalities but be free from the manacles and choose the right candidate and not the one with the greatest might. Let us not be fooled by free T-shirts, lunch, dinners, gatherings into thinking they are ours but see past through it all and vote for the ones thinking we are theirs’. Let’s vote with our mind not with our hearts, let’s choose an amalgam of dynamic personality with your ideology. If we don’t then we have no right to blame the politicians when it is we who have chosen them.
Let’s vote come election, let’s make a difference.
The writer is a student at Pulchowk
Engineering College.