I’m like a kite; for me to fly you have set me free,
Sure once in a while keep pulling my strings so I won’t wander off,
But don’t keep me in a showcase, I don’t belong there.
I’m like a river; I make my own way, with my own flow,
I may seem calm and peaceful but know I have potential to destroy,
Don’t put me in a vessel, I don’t belong there.
Home minister assures he will seek World Heritage status for Ga...

I’m like the silence; you have to let me be for you to see,
It’s not the absence but the completeness you need to focus on,
Don’t put me with noise, I don’t belong there.
I’m like the light; I bend by my rules, have my own pace
I am in no competition with you, but know I can outrun you,
Don’t put me in shade, I don’t belong there.