Human the most beautiful creation of nature graced with intelligence and conscience takes birth in this fascinating earth to create history.”No one is disabled but everyone is differently able.”This candid saying advocates that every person makes his/her name written with golden letters in dynamic pages of history if he/she knows what he is best at.
Bringing the analogy between the child born in third world countries like Nepal and in the developed nations of Europe and USA the childhood and platform for grooming the child seems to be reciprocal. The futile hands and delicate shoulders of children are bulged with heavy loads in Nepal whereas in US the children enjoy their childhood at its best.
During the teenage and higher school level where the young face physical, mental and emotional changes and they are to be equipped with guidance and counseling so that they can cope with the waves of storms and stresses offered by the age. In developed nations the youths are inspired to develop passion in the work they enjoy to deal with but in Nepal the youths remain in great dilemma about their further studies and many others things in life.
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The youths are said to be the eye of their parents, soul of the society and pillar for nation but unfortunately in Nepal due to lack of descent direction and counseling these pillars are being paralyzed. According to the various surveys majority of students know where they have to go and for the due deed they endeavor themselves and push hard until they get success in the progressed nations.
But my nation’s youths resemble the horse without rider and the ship without rudder. Proceeding onwards when youths pass their teenage and enroll in college they need to develop the combatable weapons in them so that they can battle the intellectual competitions. In developed nations the learners keep themselves busy towards the destination they desired and develop the booming factors in them so that they can be the masters of the arena they are dreaming to ace.
Looking at the pity condition of youths of Nepal what is observed that the field they going to study ahead is decided by their neighbors and these guys even don’t know what will they be ultimately becoming after they go through these courses. The pity lads toil hard and harder but in a directionless and pointless path finally, when they happen to complete their courses they have nothing to express and they are the same as they were when they started their study in addition four years older.
Then the transition period comes where most of Nepali undergraduates eyeing a dream of being wealthy overnight decide to fly mostly to Golf countries while the remaining ones continue their studies. This is the level of specialization on the subject which you are good at but misfortunately the Nepali undergraduates don’t still know what they are really good at. Finally after their Masters they look for the jobs but due to having only good quantity of marks on report cards and reciprocal level of quality they are either compelled to work on fewer wage.
Today we repent and abuse our nation for not marching towards development instead leading towards the defeat and paralysis. The need of the time is to assimilate the industrial enhancement with the prerequisites to attain a roaring jump of success and prosperity.
Nepal is the galaxy of fascination, experience and dazzling natural beauty. The highest peak ornamented with precious herbs and glaciers (water potential) is treasure for tourism industry. The long, historic culture and belief system can be an effective tool in the industrial arena. But only having the treasure is not enough, a proficient treasurer is required to cash on this sufficiency.
Udhav Dev Joshi is a Graduate from Uniglobe College.