Journalist Dinesh Gajmer was awarded the ‘Prashnabhakta Patrakarita Award’ at an event held to mark the 30th anniversary of Aarambha Natya Dabali. The group felicitates media persons with a minimum of three years contributions for the development and preservation of theater.
Nagarik journalist Adhikari felicitated
President of Aarambha Natya Dabali, Gopal Dewan, chief guest and linguist, Tanka Neupane, assistant coordinator of Dharan Pragya Pratisthan, Bhola Pokharel jointly presented the award and hand cash of Rs 11,500 to Gajmer. Working as a vice-secretary at Federation of Nepali Journalists, Sunsari, Gajmer is also collaborated with Janata TV.
Following the felicitation ceremony, the event concluded staging a short play, ‘Yatana ko Antya.’