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American singer Katy Perry fell on the ground after a gas leak on the sets of 'American Idol' show after which the auditions were put on hold.
According to People magazine, in an exclusive clip of Sunday's episode, judges Katy Perry, Luke Bryan, and Lionel Richie was forced to pause the auditions due to a propane leak that could potentially be dangerous.
In the clip, the singer mentioned a strong propane smell as she said, "Do you guys smell gas? It's pretty intense." "I have a slight headache from it. Oh it's bad, it's really bad," Katy said as she stood up to leave the studio.
As chaos flared up amongst the crew and the contestants, sirens were heard in the background and a handful of firefighters showed up to check on the situation. The 'Firework' singer complained about not feeling good as she fell to the ground.