Pixar released a short film about two abused animals under its new SparkShorts program. It’s a story of an abused life of a pitbull and a kitten, where they form a lovely friendship.
Kitbull is one of Pixar’s six short animated movie released. Earlier, the production house released ‘Purl’ as a part of the SparkShorts program.
A new relation, "Friendastic"

Kitbull is written and directed by Rosana Sullivan. She said that her ideas for this short animated movie started after watching cat videos. “I loved watching cat videos in times of stress. At first, I just wanted to draw something that made me feel good and was fun. But it eventually evolved into something more personal to me. Growing up, I was always very sensitive and shy, and actually went through a lot of troubles making connections and making new friends. So I related to this kitten because it never really stepped outside of its comfort zone to be vulnerable and make a connection,” Sullivan said in a video that accompanies the short animated movie.