It was one of those grey and pale days with sky bearing the darkest clouds, with streaks of lightening sometimes. Loud thunders could be heard as if the gods were having a fierce battle. I was on my way back to home. Suddenly, it started raining heavily. I ran to my home which was not that far but still got drenched. When I reached home mom saw me all in wet clothes and asked me to change my clothes immediately so that I didn’t catch a cold.
I drank a cup of coffee with her and went upstairs to take some rest. I lay in my bed near the window. It was still raining heavily. I was feeling really sad since the morning even though tears were not rolling down my eyes but I felt as if my heart was weeping with a feeling of loneliness. Then his thoughts lighted up my mind. He, who once meant a world to me. He used to be my everything. His smile, his eyes, and his beard I remembered his every feature as if I had a trace of him in my mind.
I could stare in his eyes all day as it showed me how beautiful I am. I used to smile just by thinking of him. When I didn’t see him it felt as if my heart was missing from my body and I felt like a soulless creature. I still remember every word of our first conversation in the Physics lab. Yes, I remember every word that he said. We used to spend long hours talking on the phone. Maybe that was the reason why we understood ourselves better? In college we were separated by the desks and benches but still our hearts were connected. We literally had a heart to heart connection. At most of the times in college we couldn’t talk to each other but our eyes they were our means of communication.
Love: Mystery and Miracle

I still get chills running down my spine when I remember you saying ‘Love You’ to me. I still blush when I remember sitting by you with my head resting on your shoulder. It was the best feeling I have ever experienced. When I was sad you used to make all those funny faces that made me laugh and of course happy.
Even though most of the people from the class disliked me but it didn’t matter as you were always the one who liked and loved me and I knew that even if whole the world was against me you will always stand by me and take a stand for me. Yes we broke up several times. But I guess we had made a world record for the shortest break up of thirty seconds. We couldn’t leave each other. We were silly, dumb and dull but we loved each other a lot. I don’t know if we were in love like other people but all I know is we were in true love, a love that these words can’t define it can be felt not seen.
I remember our first kiss, well it actually wasn’t a proper one as both of us didn’t know how to kiss. But that kiss was full of affection, love and care that we had for each other. You never asked a change in me as you loved me for who I was, neither did I ever asked a change in you. I still wonder why I used to get those electric shocks every time you touched me. Before my love you were just my teenage crush. But I swear when you were my crush every rumor of you having a girlfriend gave me a mini heart attack. When you had proposed me I immediately said ‘Yes’ without knowing you properly. At first I had thought like many other relationships it would end up soon but I found myself stuck with you. My feelings for you got deeper and deeper everyday with every eye contact we made.
I don’t know how I’m still surviving without you. God has taken away his most beautiful creation from the world. Maybe it was fate or god has chosen something else. But I would want him back in my life even by trading my soul. Then suddenly I woke up from my dream. Outside the sun was shining brightly as if it was smiling to me.
My heart that was weeping before I fell asleep was now happy. Then I remembered my dream which has made me feel as if everything is merry in this world. It has been nearly two years since his death but still I feel he wants me to be happy so he showed me all the memories in the form of a dream as he knows what keeps me happy in this world of course it’s the time we spent together. I have to live in this world even without him as I have a promise to keep that ‘My love will never be less for him even if he is dead and that I have to live for him.’
Now I have to show that I’m happy. I’m looking at the sky now with the biggest smile in my face. Yes I can’t see him but I’m sure he is smiling back at me showing the gods and angels up in the heaven that true love never dies.