I am an eighth grader at Kanya Mandir Secondary school. My immense devotion and love towards literature led me to participate in ‘Newari Sahityik Sammelan’, where I bagged the second position. I had recited a poem entitled ‘Jigu Dehya Nepa’, which roughly translates to ‘my country Nepal.’ People ask me how I excelled in Newari literature albeit belonging to a Muslim family; to which I respond that I have been acquainted with Newari culture since my very childhood. I personally think that Newari language is unique and fascinating, and I find a great pleasure exploring it.
I want to extend gratitude towards my family, friends, and teachers who have always motivated, and supported me throughout my journey. People carry the misconception that Islam imposes extra restrictions on girls, compared to their male counterparts, especially when it comes to expressing their thoughts and beliefs. I credit my father and mother for not holding onto this stereotypical mindset and assisting me in every step of my life. I have always felt proud to wear my Hijab, because it not only symbolizes my religion but also provides me with a sense of safety. I can wear anything I want to, but I choose to wear Kurta and Hijab.
Meeting time of HoR and NA changed

I also wish to identify myself as an aspiring orator. I chose literature to establish myself as a successful poet and speaker. In Islam, it is believed that names affect the personality of the person who carries it. The meaning of my name is placid, pure and helpful. I have been thriving to live up to the meaning of my name. After participating, and bagging a position in ‘Newari Sahityik Sammelan’, I have felt that my skills and attributes have been highly polished. It has made me even more positive and optimistic. And for that, I am truly indebted towards the organizers of the competition. I believe that when you try something new, you’ll never fail but definitely learn.
I carry a big dream of becoming a pilot one day. People keep telling me that I have a mellifluous voice. I don’t know how much of truth that holds, but I definitely have a great knack for singing. My mother has always been my greatest inspirational figure who constantly instills me with positive energy. I want to advocate for religious tolerance and promote peace and happiness in the world through the use of paper, pen, and words. I want to actively engage myself in the community works by grabbing every opportunity that comes my way.
As told to My City’s Rejina Basnet.