LALITPUR, Oct 5: The Nepal –China Expo 2018 has kicked off from today at Bhandarkhal garden based in the Patan Durbar Square area in Lalitpur.
The expo, a showcase of trade and culture, is hosted by Araniko Cultural and Business Promotion Society. It aims to further consolidating Nepal-China people-to-people relations, according to Society chair Ajarman Joshi.
Godavari Flower Expo 2018 kicks off

The five-day event has showcased 100 stalls also featuring typical products of Nepal including handicrafts, metal and stone arts. Nepal's typical Lakhe Dance and Charya Dance are the part of the fair.
Besides, it is expected to provide an opportunity for cultural exchange and sharing about business ideas of both countries.
A 'fashion show' of beautiful garments made of Dhaka and cotton by a garment factory at Lubhu will be held during the expo. Sixty stalls are about the Chinese art and culture.
The Nepal-China Cultural Exchange Center hoped that the fair would be helpful for Nepal in developing better ideas for tourism, agriculture, energy, and infrastructure development. RSS