After launching its poster, the upcoming Nepali film ‘Ranveer’ has released its teaser through ORS Digital’s official channel. The movie portrays conflicts between Prashant Tamrakar and Sushil Sitaula. Sitaula is seen in a different avatar. He has worked on his physique for the negative character he portrays in the film. The film is produced by Goma Bista Thapa and Dipendra Regmi. Gobinda Singh Bhandari has written the story and also the script. He also is the movie’s director. Apart from Tamrakar and Sitaula the film features different prominent faces of the Nepali film industry including Subeksha Khadka, Supuspa Bhatta, Ravi Giri and Naresh Poudel.
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Sitaula expressed his faith for the movie saying, “My dedication for the movie can be seen through my work. The story revolves around the theme of unemployment, one of the major problems in the country. Though love and comedy are highly preferred genre these days, release of ‘Ranveer’ will serve a different flavor among the audience. Producer of the film Regmi said, “We have done lots of hard work to make this film. The film will definitely embrace its audience.”