Shah Rukh Khan has reportedly tested positive for COVID-19. The development comes shortly after Kartik Aaryan, Katrina Kaif, Aditya Roy Kapur tested postive. Akshay Kumar too has recently recovered from COVID-19 infection. Earlier today, it was reported that Katrina Kaif had tested positive for COVID-19, but has now completed her quarantine period. The actress was scheduled to start shooting for Sriram Raghavan’s 'Merry Christmas' with Vijay Sethupathi last week, but it had to be rescheduled after her test results. Reportedly, this is also the reason why Kat couldn't join hubby Vicky Kaushal in Abu Dhabi for an event.
Just yesterday, Kartik had announced on Instagram with a quirky caption that he has tested positive for the deadly virus. ETimes also learnt yesterday that Aditya Roy Kapur also tested positive because of which promotional schedule of his upcoming film 'Om: The Battle Within' has been affected. With the rising number of COVID-19 cases in Mumbai, the BMC has issued fresh alerts instructing film studios in K-West ward to not organise parties.
India's Home Minister Amit Shah tests positive for COVID-19
On the work front, Shah Rukh recently announced his comeback 'Pathaan', and 'Dunki'. Earlier in teh week he hit headlines with the first look and poster of 'Jawan', his highly-anticipated film with Atlee. Speaking about the film, Shah Rukh said in a statement, “Jawan is a universal story that goes beyond languages, geographies and is for all to enjoy. Credit goes to Atlee for creating this unique film, which has also been a fantastic experience for me as I love action films! The teaser is the just tip of the iceberg and gives a glimpse into what’s to come."