After their big Bollywood debut Saawariya flopped, Ranbir Kapoor and Sonam Kapoor have steered clear of one another. They were never spotted together on or off-screen after the film released back in 2007.
But now, things could possibly be getting better between the two actors, who are rumored to be former lovers as well. It has just been announced that Ranbir and Sonam will be coming together on screen once again for the biopic of Bollywood superstar Sanjay Dutt – nearly 10 years after Saawariya, reported The Indian Express.
According to reports, filmmaker Rajkumar Hirani has played the peacemaker between the duo. The 3 Idiots director will have Sonam starring opposite Ranbir in the upcoming film, which he has been planning for a long time now. And what’s more, Sonam will be seen in the role of one of the best Bollywood heroines whom Sanjay dated back in the 1980s and 1990s. One cannot help but wonder if her role will be modelled after Sanjay’s former girlfriend and fellow Bollywood superstar Madhuri Dixit .
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Though Sonam will not have a full-fledged role in the movie, it will still be interesting to watch her with Ranbir once again. The latter, who looks nothing like the 57-year-old Sanjay, will have to undergo a complete transformation for the role.
Anushka Sharma will also be a part of the project. This will be her third film with Ranbir, after Bombay Velvet and Karan Johar’s Ae Dil Hai Mushkil. According to reports, she will play a journalist in the biopic, which is expected to go on the floors in 2017.