Yamuna Giri, 88, and Jyanu Giri, 82, (They changed their names after becoming sannyasini) have been living together as sannyasinis (hindu nuns) at the Pashupatinath Ashram for over eight years.
“It’s been around 30 years that I left my family and became sannyasini. My family doesn’t know where I am today,” said Yamuna. The story of Jyanu Giri is different. She became sannyasini along with her husband. He has passed away.
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Her family comes to visit her at times. “We have been together for some time now. We sleep in the same room, we eat together, and all this time we never got into any fight; not even once. This is a different kind of relationship,” said Yamuna. As sannyasini they have been living simple lives with no hatred and no sorrow.