Photo Courtesy: Agencies
This year the festival Janai Purnima is being observed on Thursday and this festival is celebrated having feasts of Kwati or sprout lentils. On this day, nine types of beans are sprouted and these mixed beans make a good traditional Nepali soup. Here, we share with you all that you need to know about sprouting beans:
Why pre-soak beans?
Nutrient-dense beans are full of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and protein. Making use of dried beans generally makes for beans with better flavor and texture. Soaking beans provides a nutritional benefit because doing so reduces a compound called phytic acid, which inhibits the absorption of certain minerals. Soaking also reduces the content of oligosaccharides, which are complex sugars that can cause gas. And one more bonus: pre-soaking beans shortens cooking time.
Recipe of Kwati

How do you soak beans?
Two methods
1. Hot soak method: Place beans in a stockpot and add enough water to cover in an inch or two of water. Heat to boiling and boil for 2 to 3 minutes. Remove beans from heat, cover, and let stand for 4-24 hours. Drain beans, discard soak water and rinse with fresh, cool water.
2. Overnight or day-long soak: Place beans in a large bowl or stockpot. Add enough water to cover the beans in an inch or two of water. Allow beans to soak for 8 hours minimum, or overnight. Discard soaking water and rinse beans.
Note: Beans can be sprouted only after the cold soak method. Beans which have soaked in hot water will not sprout.
Why sprout beans?
Sprouting beans makes them even more digestible and nutritious. Each bean, when sprouted, releases nutrients necessary for the growth of the new plant or “sprout” being produced. Proteins become easier to digest and difficult to digest carbohydrates may be reduced.
How do you sprout beans?
Start by soaking beans overnight or for at least 8 hours (but not in hot water; see the note above). Discard soaking water. Put the beans in a colander and place the colander on a plate. Cover the colander with a dry clean cloth. Rinse the beans under cold running water every few hours or at least twice a day. Sprouts should start to form in 1-3 days. Once the sprouts are about 1/4 inch long place them in the refrigerator until you are ready to cook them.
Another method utilizes a large glass mason jar with a mesh sieve top or a piece of cheesecloth. Place your soaked beans in the jar. Cover the mouth of the jar with the cheesecloth and use a rubber band to secure it in place. Or, purchase a special mesh sieve top if you prefer. Make sure to rinse the sprouts twice daily, at least.