KATHMANDU, Oct 23: The government has implemented Tarai-Madhes Prosperity Programme in order to run development projects including physical infrastructure in local levels of Tarai-Madhes, enlisted as backward in the human development index, in an integrated manner.
Programme Coordinator Ramhari Sharma said that the programme has been implemented with an objective of bringing social and economic transformation of the people living in Tarai-Madhes, increasing access of the people to public services and improving their living standard.
The Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration has already issued Tarai-Madhes Prosperity Programme Operation Working procedure-2075 to run the programme in an effective manner.
Coordinator Sharma said that the programme would be launched immediately as per the working procedure. A total of Rs 2.3 billion has been allocated to run the programme.
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Similarly, the government has a;lready allocated Rs 3.53 billion to run Tarai-Madhes Infrastructure Special Programme in its budget programme 2075/76.
The programme would be implemented at 2671 wards of 276 local levels of 21 districts of Tarai-Madhes.
The programme would be implemented in local levels of Jhapa, Morang and Sunsari districts of Province no 1, Saptari, Siraha, Dhanusha, Mahottari, Rautahat, Bara and Parsa districts of province no 2.
The Tarai-Madhes Prosperity Programme is to be implemented at the local bodies of Chitwan district and Nawalparasi (Bardaghat Susta East) in Province 3, ofNawalparasi (Bardaghat Susta West), Rupandehi, Kapilbastu, Dang, Banke and Bardiya districts in Province 5 and of Kailali and Kanchanpur districts in Far-west Province.
According to the Ministry, the programme will be run in 15 local levels of Jhapa, in 17 local levels of Morang, in 12 local levels of Sunsari, in 18 local levels of Saptari, in 17 local levels of Siraha, in 18 local levels of Dhanusha, in 15 local levels of Mahottari, in 20 local levels of Sarlahi, in 18 local levels of Rautahat, in 16 local levels of Bara and in 14 local levels of Parsa.
Similarly, the programme will be implemented in seven local levels of Chitwan, in eight local levels of Nawalparasi (Bradaghat Susta East), in seven local levels of Nawalparasi (Bardaghat Susta West), in 16 local levels of Rupandehi, in 10 local levels of Kapilbastu, in 10 local levels of Dang, in eight local levels of Banke, in eight local levels of Bardiya, in 13 local levels of Kailali and in nine local levels of Kanchanpur.
The objective of the work procedure is to identify the classes, communities and geographical areas in the Tarai-Madhes that are backward in term of socio-economic condition. Similarly, the work procedure will also fix the geographical areas where the programme is to be implemented as well as ensure the project formulation and prioritization. rss